26 September 2011

before + after

A few before and afters of some recent projects!!

wall mounted mailbox

front porch light fixture

off and on

dining light

 wainscoting in kitchen - windows have yet to be opened, so therefore have yet to be painted 

and a simple little side project - $2 garage sale plant stand and $6 can of black spray paint



19 September 2011

house painting!

As you've probably noticed, I've been at a bit of a stand still with the blog updates... With the nice weather, plenty of projects, and summer activities, blogging has been put on the back burner. I thought I would update you on the latest and then fill you in on what I've been working on here and there as time allows [sadly, the days are getting shorter and colder- I'm not ready for winter].

I decided before I even closed on my new [old] home that I wanted to paint it grey. Here's an image that I photoshopped of a vision I had at the time. 

After picking up endless swatches of grey samples from the store and purchasing seven different ones to actually paint on the house to get a better idea of what it might look like on a larger scale, I finally made up my mind [with a few opinions of friends]. I splurged and got the best of the best paint- no regrets there! I ended up with a cooler grey and slightly lighter than what I had photoshopped, as I wanted to keep in mind future buyers [the intention is to eventually sell this home and I don't really want to repaint...].

i'm waiting on a lift... really tall ladders are scary

 I still have some work to do, but she's getting there! 

