17 October 2011

house warming party!

I've decided that it's time to have a house warming party. I opted to invite co-workers to check out my new pad [after all, they've been there throughout the whole journey and the day in and day out stories...]. Stay tuned for photos!

what to do in prep

fix details on sofa that i've been putting off forever
paint garage slider white
paint porches black
fix the matte on the landing that warped in the heat
fix storm windows- caulk and repaint
paint side door to garage white
hang italy print on landing
put rolls of fabric in attic [for now]
bag yard waste
make at home windex - way cheaper!! http://fakeitfrugal.blogspot.com/2011/08/fake-windex.html
clean windows
make peanut butter chocolate fudge
make peanut butter balls
make cheesecake bites - i did, but it was by memory... i have to re-make
make cheesecake caramel dip for apples
tuna salad for red cabbage cups
bella bath


26 September 2011

before + after

A few before and afters of some recent projects!!

wall mounted mailbox

front porch light fixture

off and on

dining light

 wainscoting in kitchen - windows have yet to be opened, so therefore have yet to be painted 

and a simple little side project - $2 garage sale plant stand and $6 can of black spray paint



19 September 2011

house painting!

As you've probably noticed, I've been at a bit of a stand still with the blog updates... With the nice weather, plenty of projects, and summer activities, blogging has been put on the back burner. I thought I would update you on the latest and then fill you in on what I've been working on here and there as time allows [sadly, the days are getting shorter and colder- I'm not ready for winter].

I decided before I even closed on my new [old] home that I wanted to paint it grey. Here's an image that I photoshopped of a vision I had at the time. 

After picking up endless swatches of grey samples from the store and purchasing seven different ones to actually paint on the house to get a better idea of what it might look like on a larger scale, I finally made up my mind [with a few opinions of friends]. I splurged and got the best of the best paint- no regrets there! I ended up with a cooler grey and slightly lighter than what I had photoshopped, as I wanted to keep in mind future buyers [the intention is to eventually sell this home and I don't really want to repaint...].

i'm waiting on a lift... really tall ladders are scary

 I still have some work to do, but she's getting there! 



21 July 2011


Lately, I'm obsessed with Instagram- an awesome app for the iPhone that gives new life to images. It's quite simple- take a photo with your phone or save a photo from an e-mail or text, open the app, load the image, apply a predetermined filter and voila!

Here are some images of some very cute and furry friends that help make this world a happier place!

20 July 2011

one of my favorite things

I know this video has been out for some time now, but for me, it will never get old. I love and adore the way it makes me feel like a little kid. Enjoy :)


16 July 2011

bathroom makeover!

I think it's about time I update you all on a little project I've been working on!! Do you remember those little glimpses of my teal bathroom you've seen in shots of my kitchen projects? Well, I thought that would be a pretty simple, inexpensive project to tackle, so I did!! 

If you don't remember, here's a little reminder... This is an image from before I gained possession of the home.
And here are some pictures before I got busy with a paint brush...
bad "frosted glass" job that i did awhile back... i removed it with a razor blade and you will see in a later image that i replaced it with an adhesive textile- a nice way to provide privacy

no toilet paper holder
I started with painting the trim white- same as the kitchen

i even had a friend to help me! thanks jenna!!!!

granted the window isn't in, but hello neighbors!!

And then onto the color! I opted for Valspar's "Lyndhurst Timber." I think I prefer something consumable like

| java | mocha | hot chocolate | coffee |
So... my camera did a lousy job with capturing the true color, but you get the idea.
bella likes it! i already had the bath mat - $15 from tj maxx. towel hook- $10 from lowes. black table- $2 from a garage sale that i spray painted black. wire basket that i've had forever- i'm considering that free. toilet paper- functional accessory... i obviously paid for that, but lets call that free too :). bella- can't put a price on her.
ideally, i would like to find a feminine scalloped beveled mirror, but for now, i removed the frame that the previous owners had the mirror in so, mirror- free. window privacy- scrap material from work- free. shower curtain- already had- free.
i have a toilet paper holder!!!! so exciting!!!!! i am eventually (hopefully) going to cut new cabinet doors to coordinate with the doors that i will eventually put in the kitchen.


And here's the Kohler sink and toilet I would ideally like to have in the space

All in all, this project cost me less than $100!! And such a transformation!

