25 February 2011

the time is near!

What a journey! I never thought I would be in the position to buy a home at the age of 24, but here I am! I'm looking forward to closing on Monday! For the past 24 hours, I didn't think I would be able to, but all the great people working behind the scenes pulled everything together at the last minute!

One thing I would like to know- why doesn't anyone say anything about all the signatures leading up to closing? I may be biting my tongue after Monday, but who knew?? I had to sign a 14 page document (a John Hancock on every page) just to lock in a mortgage rate...

I have finally made plans for moving my belongings that are currently strewn across in mid-west- note: I'm hoping to move everything in four days- the likelihood of that happening- probably less than 1%, but I'm sure going to try!

storage unit back home - location 1 of 5 - all of my non essential belongings
It has been a whirlwind of thoughts, emotions, anticipation, and anxiety, but I look forward to the journey!

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