13 March 2011


The roller coaster of emotions continues! It turned out that I wasn't able to close on my new [old] home until just this past week because the underwriters needed more information or wanted modifications to the existing. Needless to say, I have closed on my home [March 10th to be exact]! The waiting game continues as I patiently wait for the call from my realtor informing me that I have possession [March 18th- Friday- at the absolute latest]!

One thing that I haven't quite figured out is the time from closing to personal possession... I've heard individuals that have received the keys at closing and then the other extreme, which is gaining possession 30 days after closing. Oh well...

I have been attempting to keep myself distracted- if I don't, all I will be doing is space planning, remembering things that I have in storage, creating decor/home/garden wish lists and, oh yeah, a home budget for all the modifications/upgrades I'm planning- maybe I'll just continue to put that one off for a little while...

I have allowed myself to get a little distracted... I took a good part of the day yesterday and brought some of my belongings up from the depths of the basement of the home I have been occupying for the past three months. A friend I met when I first started at Herman Miller welcomed me into her home while I pursued home hunting. A huge, huge thank you to her and her family!  I feel like I should be on a stage at the Oscars or something when I say that I also want to thank my closest friends and family for all of their emotional and monetary support- I couldn't have done this without you!!

_ A very small portion of what I'm looking forward to moving _

Anyway, I digress... back to the dungeon... I brought a lot of what I could up from the basement in anticipation of a call I hope to get any day that I can move into my new [old] home. The original plan of flying home and driving the moving truck back failed, due to the sole fact that I wasn't able to close on time :( but I think it will work out smoother this way. I'll move what I have here in Michigan over to the house [soon to be a home!] and get all of that unpacked and then my family is going to load up the moving truck for me [thank you, thank you!] and drive the truck from Missouri to Michigan in April. Thankfully, I was able to grab the essentials out of storage when I was home over the summer, so it isn't imperative that I have everything right now. This makes me start contemplating the American culture and our dependence on materialistic things, but I won't bore you with that right now.

Until next time- when I'll be in my home and then the real fun begins!

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