28 March 2011

late nights + fresh paint

Family + friends! It's been awhile!

I'm pleased to report that I am finally in my new [old] home! I gained possession last Friday [March 18th] and immediately started moving in! Phase I consisted of the essentials + a few luxuries that I had stored in MI. I spent most of the evening and day on Saturday unpacking and discovering forgotten possessions- so much fun! Phase II of moving will happen this weekend [April 1 - 3] when my lovely parents + brother are going to pack up my storage unit [10' x 10' + filled to the brim!] and remaining belongings at my parents house and drive up to MI. I can't wait!

It didn't take me long to make multiple trips to Lowe's to purchase paint, new electrical switches, outlets, and face plates- the low budget/high impact items considering my budget is practically nothing. Much of this past week was spent painting the dining room [previously deep crimson red - now a rich medium grey] and the guest room [previously terra cotta/maroon/yuck - now a much brighter light grey that really shows off the high ceilings and molding]!

this is what the previous owners had

in progress

after one coat, but i think i'm going to do another... take note of my limited edition walnut eames hang-it-alls! my new favorite!

lousy view of the room before possession

after paint - before furniture + accessories + new window treatments

to do for this week...

_ 2nd coat of paint in dining room
_ begin painting icky green molding in kitchen
_ price new cabinet hardware
_ figure out what I'm going to do with the existing paneling in the kitchen that has brown + cream tile behind it
_ recycle/store boxes from phase I of moving so that I don't have a real disaster when phase II happens
_ find a paint match for ceiling in guest room in the basement - :( turns out the 2 of the 3 gallons in the basement were dried up and the remaining was way too bright of a white... looks like i get to purchase yet another gallon and paint the ENTIRE ceiling, as opposed to a few spots...
_ find + purchase new brushed nickel door hardware for all exterior doors + install
_ buy electrical outlets/switches/faceplates for kitchen + install
_ hang more artwork [plaster ≠ my friend]
_ get ready for mom + dad's visit
_ organize pantry
_ buy myself fresh flowers
_ accept the fact that my old bathmat is no where to be found
_ price window covering options [think about purchasing in the near future]
_ find fabric to make a bed skirt for bed in master
_ post herman miller desk on craigslist



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