31 May 2011

herb garden

I've actually had time to get a garden in! I wouldn't say it's exactly legitimate - nowhere near the beautiful gardens I grew up with. I remember helping my Mom out in the garden when we lived in Kansas City and then when we moved to Smithville, I got a little more stubborn... Sometimes I felt like helping, other times I didn't [Mom- I wish I would have willingly helped you more]. 

I'm super excited that I have a place of my own that isn't an apartment [last summer] or a home that needed too much other work done and I was working with a college student budget [home in college]. I have a few plants that I've incorporated into the flower beds [which will work for now]. I didn't have the time, tools, or space to till up a decent space for a garden this year, so this solution will work for now.

I have planted lots and lots of tomatoes [for salsa, spaghetti sauce, caprese salads, and just eating with a little s + p], garlic, peppers [green, yellow, red, and orange], and lettuce. I still plan on frequenting the Holland market that happens on Saturday mornings [I love the sights, smells, people, colors - everything about it], so I didn't want to go too overboard with yummy veggies so that I still have legit reason for going.

I also have a little potted herb garden with dill, thyme, oregano, and a few varieties of basil [for pesto, salads, sandwiches, caprese, pasta... the list goes on and on!]. I also have more than enough mint growing in the oddly shaped flower bed that will be fabulous in mojitos! 

Needless to say, there will be some good eats coming out of my kitchen later on in the summer!



28 May 2011

memorial weekend to do!

Lots and lots of yard work [not today though- inside work]

The landscaping blocks are gone [thanks to Craigslist] so gone goes the soil in in goes landscaping! I've also planted some hostas around the tree to warm it up and give it some presence.

My girl, always keeping me company.

A little project that I've started... Needs a lot of work.

I'm going to work on taking out the peninsula garden - lots of transplanting!

The beloved decor pond... I neglected to take a before picture, but I've started to take it out [I'm not into the maintenance it would require].

on with the to do

_ mulch around trees and beds - had to get a rain check on the black mulch that was on sale...
_ sew duvet cover for spare bedroom - only if it rains
_ sand and finish cabinets
_ hang wine rack
_ locate stash of sunglasses
_ touch up paint on built in doors, mount hardware + hang
_ get rid of decor pond
_ transplant more plants
_ cut and apply translucent film to bathroom and kitchen windows
_ laundry
_ iron
_ vacuum the extra dog i've acquired

Have a wonderful extended weekend!!



kitchen cabinets continued...

I've been really lousy at keeping up with postings, so I'll combine a few posting into one...

The kitchen saga continues! I'll admit that my motivation to actually work on the kitchen has been extremely close to nonexistent. The other evening, I finally took the remaining doors off and emptied the contents of the drawers. I'm not sure what prompted me to do this, but I'm sure glad I did! I knew I wouldn't last long with clutter all over the counters- I suppose I took the round-about way to motivate myself- nothing wrong with that!

On a side note, I have been volunteering through Herman Miller at a Habitat for Humanity build in Spring Lake, Michigan. The last time I was there, I was on siding and windows duty. This is a photo of my friend, Melanie and me "working."

Photo by: Grand Haven Tribune
Anyway, yesterday when I was there, I was on painting duty. I thought there would be a few more people there, but there were only two (including myself) from Herman and then a few family members of the individual who is getting the home. The other Herman volunteer and I knocked the painting of the bathrooms, hallway, laundry closet, living room, and kitchen in no time! I wish I could paint like that at my house!

I promise there is a point to writing this little story. I figured that since I was already covered in paint splatters- literally from head to toe, that it would only make sense to continue painting at my house! So I did!

This was the motivation to finish up...

Once I find the hardware I want, the old "vintage" hardware will be changed out to work with the rest of the finishes!

Remember my little/not so little hinge project? Well, it's completed!!!! So exciting!!

Funny story [at least I find it funny] about the screws. I went to Lowes to find new screws [among many, many other things] and one of the associates politely asked me if I needed help. I kindly told him, "No, thank you," and continued my shopping. I have found that most of the time I rattle off what I'm looking for and they look at me inquisitively. Yes, I am a female, but I know what I'm looking for/what I'm talking about- it's just the way I am [thanks in part to my Dad and helping him when I was young]. Well, the same associate came up to me and asked again if I needed help. Ugh! Leave me alone!!

I may take these off and scrape some of the paint build up off the wood- it looks gunky... Rainy day project!

Also, last weekend, I went to Ikea to pick up some things! One of them being new blinds... turns out they were discontinued due to quality issues- no surprise there I suppose. They will be coming out with a similar design in August, so it looks like I'll be visiting again! I did, however, pick up some stools for the kitchen, a wine rack, many accessories, and bedding for the spare bedroom [I need to sew a duvet, so once I have that done, I'll share].



24 May 2011

yes, i did

I did it! I bought my first legitimate Herman Miller chair! Granted, it's more on the practical side, being an office chair, but I love it!! I sit in an Embody chair at work, and I must say that it is awesome. I've always [at least feel like I've always] had problems with back pain. After sitting in this chair for a typical eight hours a day, I don't have any pain [good design/engineering? I think so!]. Since I work from home occasionally, I thought it would be a good idea to treat my body to a good chair.

In school, I actually based my thesis on my experience with back/body pain and delved into human factors and ergonomics. I ultimately designed, built/sculpted a form/lounge to cater to the specific curves of my body.

one of these days, i'm going to have it professionally photographed

Back to the Embody...

Note: This is not my office... I wish it were.

The delivery was slated for the day I left for Florida, so you can imagine my excitement when I came home to a giant Herman Miller box in my garage!

you ask, "what's in the small box?" i added an eames wire base side table to the order :)
my eames wire base side table
She has yet to actually make it up to my office, as I have a ladder for stairs and the chair is a bit bottom heavy and awkward. One of these days I suppose...



18 May 2011


Needless to say, with the nicer weather, time has seemed to simply disappear, thus the reason for the infrequent posts. I did, however, spend this past week in Florida for my cousins wedding! The experience was absolutely idyllic and I couldn't be more happy for my cousin Brian and his new beautiful wife, Ann!

I thought I would share a few photos I took along the way!

