28 May 2011

kitchen cabinets continued...

I've been really lousy at keeping up with postings, so I'll combine a few posting into one...

The kitchen saga continues! I'll admit that my motivation to actually work on the kitchen has been extremely close to nonexistent. The other evening, I finally took the remaining doors off and emptied the contents of the drawers. I'm not sure what prompted me to do this, but I'm sure glad I did! I knew I wouldn't last long with clutter all over the counters- I suppose I took the round-about way to motivate myself- nothing wrong with that!

On a side note, I have been volunteering through Herman Miller at a Habitat for Humanity build in Spring Lake, Michigan. The last time I was there, I was on siding and windows duty. This is a photo of my friend, Melanie and me "working."

Photo by: Grand Haven Tribune
Anyway, yesterday when I was there, I was on painting duty. I thought there would be a few more people there, but there were only two (including myself) from Herman and then a few family members of the individual who is getting the home. The other Herman volunteer and I knocked the painting of the bathrooms, hallway, laundry closet, living room, and kitchen in no time! I wish I could paint like that at my house!

I promise there is a point to writing this little story. I figured that since I was already covered in paint splatters- literally from head to toe, that it would only make sense to continue painting at my house! So I did!

This was the motivation to finish up...

Once I find the hardware I want, the old "vintage" hardware will be changed out to work with the rest of the finishes!

Remember my little/not so little hinge project? Well, it's completed!!!! So exciting!!

Funny story [at least I find it funny] about the screws. I went to Lowes to find new screws [among many, many other things] and one of the associates politely asked me if I needed help. I kindly told him, "No, thank you," and continued my shopping. I have found that most of the time I rattle off what I'm looking for and they look at me inquisitively. Yes, I am a female, but I know what I'm looking for/what I'm talking about- it's just the way I am [thanks in part to my Dad and helping him when I was young]. Well, the same associate came up to me and asked again if I needed help. Ugh! Leave me alone!!

I may take these off and scrape some of the paint build up off the wood- it looks gunky... Rainy day project!

Also, last weekend, I went to Ikea to pick up some things! One of them being new blinds... turns out they were discontinued due to quality issues- no surprise there I suppose. They will be coming out with a similar design in August, so it looks like I'll be visiting again! I did, however, pick up some stools for the kitchen, a wine rack, many accessories, and bedding for the spare bedroom [I need to sew a duvet, so once I have that done, I'll share].



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