31 May 2011

herb garden

I've actually had time to get a garden in! I wouldn't say it's exactly legitimate - nowhere near the beautiful gardens I grew up with. I remember helping my Mom out in the garden when we lived in Kansas City and then when we moved to Smithville, I got a little more stubborn... Sometimes I felt like helping, other times I didn't [Mom- I wish I would have willingly helped you more]. 

I'm super excited that I have a place of my own that isn't an apartment [last summer] or a home that needed too much other work done and I was working with a college student budget [home in college]. I have a few plants that I've incorporated into the flower beds [which will work for now]. I didn't have the time, tools, or space to till up a decent space for a garden this year, so this solution will work for now.

I have planted lots and lots of tomatoes [for salsa, spaghetti sauce, caprese salads, and just eating with a little s + p], garlic, peppers [green, yellow, red, and orange], and lettuce. I still plan on frequenting the Holland market that happens on Saturday mornings [I love the sights, smells, people, colors - everything about it], so I didn't want to go too overboard with yummy veggies so that I still have legit reason for going.

I also have a little potted herb garden with dill, thyme, oregano, and a few varieties of basil [for pesto, salads, sandwiches, caprese, pasta... the list goes on and on!]. I also have more than enough mint growing in the oddly shaped flower bed that will be fabulous in mojitos! 

Needless to say, there will be some good eats coming out of my kitchen later on in the summer!



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