28 May 2011

memorial weekend to do!

Lots and lots of yard work [not today though- inside work]

The landscaping blocks are gone [thanks to Craigslist] so gone goes the soil in in goes landscaping! I've also planted some hostas around the tree to warm it up and give it some presence.

My girl, always keeping me company.

A little project that I've started... Needs a lot of work.

I'm going to work on taking out the peninsula garden - lots of transplanting!

The beloved decor pond... I neglected to take a before picture, but I've started to take it out [I'm not into the maintenance it would require].

on with the to do

_ mulch around trees and beds - had to get a rain check on the black mulch that was on sale...
_ sew duvet cover for spare bedroom - only if it rains
_ sand and finish cabinets
_ hang wine rack
_ locate stash of sunglasses
_ touch up paint on built in doors, mount hardware + hang
_ get rid of decor pond
_ transplant more plants
_ cut and apply translucent film to bathroom and kitchen windows
_ laundry
_ iron
_ vacuum the extra dog i've acquired

Have a wonderful extended weekend!!



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