I'm beginning to wonder where the weeks go. They seem to just fly by and then I get another weekend! I love it! I just wish [sometimes] that I had a remote or some sort of high tech device to pause, slow down, and fast forward my life for a variety of reasons though. On that note, some thoughts...
There are times when I thoroughly enjoy my alone time in the house - watching tv cuddled up with Bella, getting into projects and sometimes regretting it, and even just being. There are other times when I wonder what in the world I've gotten myself into. Moving to Michigan; where I know a handful of people [after being here 11 months- I can't believe it], buying my first home... Who would have thought that this would be my life after school? Not me! I have a fabulous job, love the people I work with [they are becoming my family away from home], love Michigan- the winter really wasn't so bad - the summers absolutely make up for all the snow, and the friends I have made are absolutely wonderful!
I've been wondering if Zeeland is the right place for me, but I have to remember that this is just my first home [I dream of owning property on the lake and designing and building my own environmentally conscious home]. My favorite thing is that it is close to work and about equal distance to Grand Rapids as well as the beach - two places I will be frequenting this summer. I also love that I'm just on the outskirts of the historical district, as I often use Bella as an excuse to walk by beautiful homes.
So, there's s some of my more recent thoughts.
Now on with the weekend to do! I took a half day yesterday to work on some things and use up some vacation time, so I was able to do some of this marked off then.
someone insisted on going with me to the hardware store... |
_ work on the dreaded kitchen
scrape paint off the doors on the built-ins
replace light switch in kitchen note: the worst electrical experience yet - you never know what you're getting yourself into with an 1896 home
paint trim white
paint walls
remove cabinet doors + fill holes + sand + paint
_ try, with all my might, to open the windows that have been painted shut - i refuse to have all the windows shut when it is gorgeous outside - turns out i need someone with more upper body strength than myself - a.k.a a male or and additional female...
_ buy and cut bead-board for wainscoting [was old school paneling and tile patterned linoleum behind it- yuck - pictures coming soon]
_ caulk nooks and crannies highlighted by painting trim white- can't find my caulk gun anywhere... may have to invest in another one
pot plants
I have my work cut out for me...