23 April 2011

happy easter!

Happy Easter! I hope all of you are able to spend some time with the ones you love. I will be off enjoying time, good conversation, and of course, great food with my adopted Michigan family tomorrow!

It doesn't quite feel like it should be time for Easter... Plants and flowers tend to take a little longer up here in Michigan, but I do have some!

There isn't a whole lot happening around the house this weekend [and I didn't get hardly anything accomplished this past week] but...

I did get this ugly thing replaced!

With this! I ended up sitting on the counter for awhile trying, with all my might, to open the chain... I gave up and called in the troops... a.k.a. my dear friend, Mike! Thanks again, Mike!!!

that's me, sitting on the counter - don't worry, the scissors weren't involved

and i kept looking at the new light...

so much better! minus the crooked light - just noticed that. i'll have to fix it!

I also bought a new toy this past week! I am probably entirely too excited about it! I'm almost giddy thinking about the future projects!

Have a splendid weekend!



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