18 April 2011


I was super tired today at work, so when I came home and laid down instead of working in the kitchen... I felt kind of guilty but then I reminded  myself that I've worked in there pretty much everyday this past week. I was really only planning on finishing up the window above the sink and caulking, but I think that can wait. Anyway, I started watching the Food Network, which inspired me to actually cook. I truly enjoy cooking, I have just been horrible at doing it lately for some reason or another. So, I got off the couch, gazed at my naked fridge + pantry and decided to make carbonara! Yum!

Served in nothing other than one of my Bo bowls. For those of you that I went to school with, you more than likely know my appreciation for this artist. Every piece of pottery he creates is truly a piece of art - I'm fortunate to own a few.

carbonara [my way]

one pkg. whole wheat angel hair pasta
bacon [lean or turkey]
garlic [i love garlic, so i used 4 cloves]
2 eggs
freshly shredded parmesan [i just dumped what i thought looked good]
1 cup frozen peas - thawed
salt + pepper

Prepare the sauce while the pasta is cooking, so that the pasta is still warm enough to cook the egg. Cook the bacon - I know a lot of recipes say to leave the grease, but I like to drain it - chop bacon and put back in pan. Add finely chopped garlic to bacon. While the pasta is still cooking, crack the eggs in a bowl and add the parm. Beat and put to the side. Drain pasta and immediately put it in the bacon/garlic mixture stirring to coat the pasta in the flavor. Remove the pan from flame and add the egg + parm [removing prevents the egg from scrambling]. Lightly stir. The heat from the pasta will cook the egg. Add thawed frozen peas + garnish with more parm + serve! I would have liked to garnish with basil as well, but unfortunately I don't have a garden up and growing yet.

Also, for those of you that don't know about Bella's appreciation for eggs, I snapped a picture. She can hear me crack an egg from two rooms away - she'll come running over wanting to lick it clean. I will never forget the first time my mother discovering this - too funny!



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