20 April 2011

spaghetti squash

I know that food has nothing to do with home projects, but it does make my belly happy and a happy belly makes a happy home. And... I finally did the caulking of the nooks and crannies in the kitchen while I was waiting for the squash to cook!

spaghetti squash with homemade sauce

spaghetti squash

1 spagehetti squash
olive oil
salt + pepper

Preheat oven to 345 degrees.

Begin by cutting the squash length wise.

Scoop all the innnards out - I've found that a spoon works best. Careful to not make a mess like I did. Thankfully Bella liked the seeds!

Drizzle with olive oil and top with salt and pepper. Then, put a little bit of water in the bottom of a flat pan (I like to use a pizza pan). Place both halves face down in the pan.

Place in the heated oven and time for 45 minutes.

Meanwhile, get started on the sauce - I cheated and used some that I made and froze earlier. Or, you can use canned sauce, but home made is way better.


1 can whole tomatoes - or use fresh
1 vidalia onion
butter or margarine

Cut the tomatoes into small chunks and put in a sauce pan (along with the all the liquid). Peel and cut the onion down the middle - not through the top and bottom. Add a dollop of butter to the tomatoes and place the two onion halves face down - add salt and pepper to taste. Simmer - the longer the better. I like to take the onion out after it's cooked, dice and put back in, but the sauce is still really yummy without it.

Back to the squash -

Once it is cooked, take a fork and pull - it should look similar to spaghetti. Place on a plate and top with the sauce! Enjoy!

It's not taking me long to realize that I will never be a recipe book writer. I'm ok with that...



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