05 April 2011

moving day!

Well folks! I'm all moved in! I'm not sure I can say that I'm all unpacked, but I'm getting awfully close! I'm sure that items will find their permanent homes over time, as right now I'm just trying to get boxes unpacked!

the truck has arrived!
she's finally here [my lounge, that is]!
setting up the guest room for future guests!

oh boy! lots of putting away!

the truck is empty!

Last weeks list was a little too ambitious... I look at my home and want everything done at the snap of a finger, but I need to remember to relax! This last week wiped me out!

So, for this weeks to do _

_ get MICHIGAN license plates
_ cut frosted acrylic for the bathroom window so that the neighbors [whom I have not met] don't think i'm an exhibitionist
_ replace door hardware on the door to the garage
_ finish painting dining room and put everything in its place
_ make table/stand for my TV
_ give bella a bath
_ get more frames for artwork
_ straighten light switches in dining room
_ take a bubble bath [this will count towards my relaxation]



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